Lydia rawks the mesh AND the horns! |
Awww, Lydia is stylin' in the orange trucker hat. And purple is a color that just doesn't get enough play. We'll rep
for her right to wear purple, cos ya see, sfc is here for the kids; especially kids throwin' the horns. Some people are afraid
of children being exposed to 'the dark side', but frankly is Satan really sitting there writing Emperor riffs? Not likely.
I think some dork in his bedroom is, with a towel around his neck pretending it's a cape. Regardless, it's best to expsoe
children to the world and let them make some descions for themselves instead of being fed the mainstream American Nationalist
crap. Thus, Lydia [or all kids that listen to 'monster music' as I have heard them call it] fuckin rules!
Chainz doin a variation on the plugs |
who knew coathangers had yet another purpose in life, i mean i figured with a scenester grrlfriend that my coat situation
was taken care of. and now that our president continues to cut options for planned parent hoods i was going to be able to
donate all my coathangers to some guy in a back alley. but is that how they use them on Guam? if it is then
we need to go there on a fact finding mission and hang with the local ladies for verification. or is this innovation your
own? are you ever the trendsetter mr. chainz? inquring minds must know.
wife beaters - always appropriate |
summer shows are fun. lotsa people around, hopefuly everyone is in a half decent good mood, and the inevitable crowd surfer.
note this young vixens top- plain white tank. it's providing nice contrast with the black knickers though. yet, as we have
noted before: white gets dirty fast! outdoor show means grass stains and dust. by the end of the day you look Golum from Lord
of the Rings, which shows you were out there partying it up. we respect that. especially that Mr. Andrew WK wears white and
you can tell he's been partying hard.
Crystal hanging near the Artic Circle |
pink jacket huh? normally we would tell ya to pitch that thing for a leather one, but seeing as how you are smokin a
stogie in our most northern state, we'll let it slide. we also see the sandals in this picture. you are wearing a down coat
but have on sandals! though word on the street is that you are a nurse and therefore MUST have a sexy nurses outfit. if you
don't then why? aren't they issued upon certification. then again most nurses i see probably wouldn't look to spectacular
in one... oh the conundrum. would you wear one to a BBQ if one were held?
Grab the handlebars and hang on! |
Yes, Rocktober is National Mustache Month. But mustaches are sketchy, I mean Kyle from Incantation Has a mustache [5
scene points if you got that reference]. Yet the 'Handlebar' is a horse of a different colour. This was the ubiquitos choice
in facial hair at Warped this summer for those that COULD grow facial hair. This consisted of about 14 people, and half were
roadies. Regardless Matt Freeman was doin this look justice, and I am just too scared to talk smack about Rancid.
Paging Flock of Sea Gulls... |
ya know, it's the sweater. if it were JUST the hair we could perhaps let it go. but this is a clear sign of ugly/moderately
ok looking dude trendjumping in order to pull ahead of competition. know what though? he went there, so now it's our job to
go 'there' too. yes, we guessed you like everything Saddle Creek has put out [ahem- label guy]. yes, your lack of shoulder
development in that sweater makes us cringe. THAT SWEATER- it doesn't look inherantly bad, just inherantly banal. why is dull
cool? you are shouting to the world around you, "look at me I am a wallflower!"
See what happens when you threaten our libidos |
Ahhhh, what few things are more annoying than cheerleaders? The athletes on the field hate to hear them, the people on
the sidelines get bored with the cheers and then there are those who detest them as reenforcing the sexist world of male dominated
sports. It seems the only people who are enjoying it are the parents of the cheerleader who spent waaaay too much money on
gymnastics and ballet lessons to not feel special for even a moment. Guess what mom... your daughters a whore, just like you
were when you were a cheerleader! Now her marketable skills amount to nothing in the real world, so her only hope is to marry
her high school sweetheart. Like that stupid doof thats around all the time that you hate dad? Yea, him. Oh what a marvelous
life you've constructed for her. Now go fuck your secretary and be miserable pops.